I started using public transit when I was about 11 years old living in Chicago. My mom taught us at an early age the importance and convenience of getting around. This allowed us to get to many places and experience so many things. I believe that’s why I didn’t get an actual driver license until right before I joined the military.
When I joined the military, one of the reasons was for the cliché’ reason, I wanted to travel the world. Thankfully the Army has allowed me to do so. Sometimes, I don’t mind and others… well, let’s focus on the good. For every country that I have traveled to, I learned the transit system. I wanted to experience the reality of the places I visited and not a filtered version. In Paris, I will never forget catching the subway from our hotel to the Eiffel Tower. We felt so accomplished because neither my husband or myself spoke any French, but yet we made it around that beautiful city. So, when I saw the new comer’s orientation was going to be a walking tour and taking the transit, I knew I had to go.
Some have already pointed out that this my second time in Korea, so why am I “learning” the transit system again? Well, it is for the experience. When I was here before, I lived in Seoul. We took the bus most of the time and the subway a handful of times. It had been a while, so I needed to get reacquainted also. Yesterday’s adventure was amazing. It’s not often that I travel places and I don’t feel like a tourist. Well, yesterday I didn’t feel like a tourist. I took in the experience and realized that getting around will be fun. It reminded me of being in Chicago during rush hour. There are so many people, and I view it as, there are so many stories that could be shared. I wish I could sit with each person and ask them how their day is going. Instead, I take in the experience of being around so many different people that I may not ever see again.
We did a lot of walking, I mean a lot of walking too. I definitely closed all of my rings on my Apple iWatch. My legs will definitely be ready for Bali later this year. We went to a fortress and a palace. We were taught the importance of the Korean currency.
We sat down and had a delicious beef stock soup. Now, I don’t eat much beef or pork for health reasons, but there are times where I take the risk. Yesterday, I took that risk and it was worth it. I didn’t think it was possible to get full off of soup, but I did.
At the end of the day, I am glad I experienced public transportation growing up. I am going to take advantage of it while here, as I did before. That was one of best newcomer’s orientations I have taken part in. I look forward to my next adventure.