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Writer's pictureNique

My Big Joker

I actual had to do something I haven’t done in years. For 10 years of my career, I have always felt like I have the Big Joker, like in a good hand in a spades game. I wait until the right time to throw it out. Well, right now I have a solid hand, but no Jokers or Aces. I am not talking about a real Spades game, but my husband. Deon is my Big Joker. He comes through and saves the game. Well, today I put my own gear together. Yes, why and how? Usually, Deon would do it. I could pick up whatever issued item and he would put it together with ease. There are times when I attempt to do it myself, but he would get irritated with me asking every few seconds what belonged where, that he would eventually just do it. That’s love.

Today, I took the time to learn and I did it myself. A big accomplishment for me at this present moment.

So, not only do I take (oops, I meant borrow) his uniform tops, but he makes sure that I am good to go with my gear and equipment. Besides, I am wearing his name and I can’t be out here looking ate up. Thank you, Deon. You are the real MVP.

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